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If you want to run on your own node or docker, please checkout this original branch.

First, clone and install dependencies

git clone
cd xmrSale/
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

xmrSale Setup


python3 --setup

This will download monero-cli tools from which are used to manage payments. Enter a new password for your new xmrsale_wallet (and .keys). You must backup your passphrase and seedphrase.

Click N when asked whether you want to mine in the background, then type exit.

Now xmrsale will run the monero-wallet-rpc and sync with a public node ( Once you see Refresh done, blocks received... you are ready to run xmrsale! If you want, you can adjust the to your liking. You can always sync with python3 --sync.

Start xmrSale

Run xmrSale with

gunicorn xmrsale:app --timeout 120

That's it! If running locally, this will be If you allow traffic on that port you should now also be able to view your xmrSale at http://YOUR_IP:8000/. If you're running on a VPS you may need to ufw allow 8000 or make an nginx config.

You will want to run gunicorn with nohup so it continues serving in the background:

nohup gunicorn xmrsale:app > log.txt 2>&1 &
tail -f log.txt

Embed a Donation Button

Now we have xmrSale running, let's embed the donation button into a website HTML:

<iframe src="http://YOUR_SERVER_IP:8000/" style="margin: 0 auto;display:block;width:420px;height:460px;border:none;overflow:hidden;" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Change YOUR_SERVER_IP to the IP address of the machine you're running xmrSale on, node or otherwise. Additionally, you could redirect a domain to that IP and use that instead.


  • Make sure you are synced python3 --sync
  • Check rpc.log for node connection errors.
  • Processes already running / wallet in use -> Kill any monero-rpc running in the background and restart. ps ax | grep monero, ps ax | grep gunicorn then kill.
  • You can clean environment with python3 --clean

Additional Usage

xmrsale - Self Hosted Monero Payment Gateway [-h] [-s] [-c] [-t] [--sync]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  -s, --setup       Initialise xmrsale for the first time
  -c, --clean       Clean up xmrsale directory
  -t, --test-start  Test run xmrsale
  --sync            Run wallet-rpc alone in foreground to sync wallet